WoW TBC Classic: Phase 4 facilitates access to "Hero"

We had already presented you in a big preview the upcoming phase 4 of WOW: Burning Crusade Classic . The great highlight of the content update is of course the Troll-Raid Zul'Aman. But it is still much more with phase 4. The Blizzard designers want to introduce the recipes for the large drums of the leather processors with Zul'aman . G'eras will have an extended offer for badges of justice for you in Shattrath, and badges you can also farm in Karazhan and Zul'aman in the future.

What about the hero dungeons?

The Easiest Way to Solo Heroic Slave Pen! Get your Quagmirran's Eye Today Badge of justice from Karazhan and Zul'aman? This inevitably also means that the heroic dungeons are less interesting for many characters. Or formulated differently: You will find heavy players who can use something from the heroic dungeons and fulfill the current reputation requirements (respectfully at the respective faction).

In the official WOW forum therefore asked whether Blizzard would not even want to reduce the call requirements for heroic dungeons, at least one or the other twink in the "heros" with the coming phase at least one or the other twink. Finally, this change was also in the original Burning Crusade also with the Zul'Aman patch 2.3.

The answer from Blizzard developer Agggend: Jup, we do. The call requirement for hero-dungeons is reduced to benevolent with the upcoming phase. Some players like this: "Cool! I'm glad." Other players like this: "This is a blow in the face of all players who have brought the reputation in Zig characters. Blizzard has already belonged to casuals far too often. Let it!"

Jup, such comments really existed. how do you see it? Are you looking forward to the upcoming phase and the lower dungeon requirements? Or are you farming from the Zul'Aman patch anyway only the small and big RAID instances, if your badge needs? Track us in the comments!

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